Supporting Varying Student’s Needs through State Funded Programs
Learning Outcomes: I can set up and maintain state-funded voucher programs within my school to support the needs of my students.
This session will cover key elements of utilizing state-funded programs, such as Wisconsin’s Special Needs Scholarship Program, Title Funding, and other programs, to support student’s needs at your school. Participants will also learn how to set up, staff, and maintain state-funded voucher programs within their school buildings to support student’s needs.
Dr. Mark Murphy is a professor in the school of education at Wisconsin Lutheran College located in Milwaukee, WI. He serves as the chair and director of the school of education with oversight of the undergraduate and graduate programs in education including teacher education and administrative programs. The past 14 years, he has worked as a professor of education with research interests in the area of school law, special education and school administration. Murphy serves on synod and state committees and advisory committees advocating for best practices in special education, administration, equity, and research based and evidence based instructional strategies.