Ducks Fly Together: Creating a Ministry Team That Soars

Learning Outcomes: I can evaluate ministry team cohesion and plan for work that supports the mission ins coordination with other workers.

The Lord has given us the mission to go into the world to make disciples of all nations. In our education settings, we have to work with others to accomplish that goal. In a team, there are different parts of the body. If the members of the team are working for different goals or are in conflict with each other, ministry can come to a screeching halt. This presentation will be your opportunity to self-examine your ministry team. We will offer our tips, strategies, and ideas that have worked for us. Our goal is that you would have concrete changes you can implement in your setting to help your team work for a common goal, have cohesion, and make working as a ministry team a ministry multiplier rather than a ministry hindrance.

Chad White has served as a Staff Minister at Holy Word Lutheran Church in Austin, TX since 2002. He is a second career called worker, originally attending college to be an electrical engineer at UW Madison and then working for IBM and Motorola for several years before God redirected him into life as a Staff Minister. During White’s first ten years of ministry, he served full-time at Holy Word while also taking summer and online classes at MLC, receiving his Staff Ministry certification in 2012. White has served in many different ministries including evangelism, assimilation, as well as youth and family ministry. In recent years he has been a leader on Holy Word’s small group ministry team, on the church’s Audio/Visual team, and has also been engaged in reaching out to inactives, counseling marriages and families, and conducting member visitation. God has blessed Chad with a wonderful, very supportive wife and ministry partner of 30 years, Cindy and has blessed their marriage with three beautiful children, Emma (26), Bryant (24) and Danni (21).

Pastor Joel Hering graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2018. He served for two year as a dormitory supervisor and religion teacher at Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, WI. Pastor Hering received his second call in 2020 to Holy Word Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas, where he currently serves as the associate pastor. Joel is married to Amanda Hering (nee Fogle) and they have three children: Bobby (7), Bennett (3), and Lucy (2). Some fun facts about Joel are that he was made in Japan and knows how to drive a zamboni.

Rebekah Radue is originally from the Milwaukee area, but upon receiving her first Call to be the Director Apprentice at Holy Word Christian Academy in May 2022, she has been blessed to live in Austin, TX, ever since. After Radue’s first year at HWCA, she moved into the role of Director for the 2023-24 school year and continues to serve as the Director at the early childhood center. The center cares for around 80 little ones, infant through Pre-K 4. God is undoubtedly blessing HCWA’s work down there! Rebekah’s husband, Mike Radue, is a fourth-grade teacher & coach at Divine Savior Academy-Santa Rita Ranch. The couple stays very busy with friends, sports, and exploring Texas!