Collaborative Structures: The PLC Model

Learning Outcomes: I can articulate the purpose, key process components and ideas, and logistics to foster a PLC Model in a school and determine next steps for my faculty so that we can move the needle forward on student learning.

The Professional Learning Community (PLC) model provides a research-supported method for schools to improve student learning outcomes through ongoing collaborative learning among educators. This sectional will give an overview of the purpose of a PLC, essential ideas, and necessary logistics to consider when implementing this approach in your school. Examples will be shared from 20 years of experience with PLCs in a variety of settings to help you envision and make a practical plan for what a PLC can look like in your specific ministry setting. If you’ve already started the process, this session can help you identify next steps.

Laura Montez currently serves as the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Divine Savior Ministries serving all 4 Divine Savior Academy campuses. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Wisconsin Lutheran College, master’s from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and ministry certification through Martin Luther College. Over the last 21 years, Montez has served as the principal at Divine Savior Academy in Delray Beach, FL; in PreK-12 public schools as a teacher, academic dean, assistant principal, and principal; at the college/university level as an educational coordinator, adjunct instructor, and supervisor for graduate students seeking administrative licensure; and as an instructional coach and professional development facilitator.