Mindsets on Norm-Referenced Assessments

Learning Outcomes: I approach norm-referenced assessments ready to motivate and inspire students to perform their best.

Norm-referenced assessments like MAP, iReady, Star, FastBridge, and ACT are valuable tools for understanding student growth and achievement, yet educators often face a wide range of attitudes toward these screenings. In this session, we’ll explore strategies for addressing varying mindsets about universal assessments, both among staff and students, while fostering a culture of positivity and purpose. Through practical insights and real-world examples, participants will learn how to inspire confidence in these tools without creating unnecessary stress. Discover how to pump yourself and your students up for success while ensuring assessments are approached with enthusiasm and balance.

Chris Bartsch serves as the Curriculum Coordinator for the WLHS PK-8 Conference, where he leads efforts to develop a unified curriculum and support collaboration among federation schools to enhance student learning and alignment. He graduated from Martin Luther College in 2011 and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Innovation from Wisconsin Lutheran College in 2019. Bartsch served in teaching and administrative roles at Siloah Lutheran School in Milwaukee (2011–2016) and Atonement Lutheran School in Milwaukee (2016–2024). Since July 2024, he has focused on aligning curriculum and instruction across schools to improve student outcomes. He is currently pursuing curriculum and instruction licensure coursework at Wisconsin Lutheran College.