The Role of Child Development in Early Childhood Programs
Early Childhood Programs are an essential building block in young children’s lives. To provide quality education, it is critical for educators to have a firm foundation in the understanding of child development. This understanding better informs decisions related to how to best support the learning and growth of each precious lamb in our care. In today’s sectional presentation, we will take a closer look at key concepts in socio-emotional development during infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool years and how to implement developmentally appropriate practices that support the whole child.
Julie Sallquist, Ph.D., earned her doctoral degree in Psychology with an emphasis in child development from Arizona State University (ASU) in May 2009. She is a former Assistant Research Professor and Sanford Fellow in the School of Social and Family Dynamics at ASU (2009-2012). During her time as a research professor, she directed a research study examining how early adolescents work together during an academic task and assisted in the development of a preschool curriculum aimed at improving classroom harmony. Sallquist’s studies and research during graduate school focused on the social and emotional development of young children, with an emphasis on positive development. During her college career, she assisted with several studies examining children’s language development. She has numerous scholarly peer-reviewed publications and book chapters on these topics as well as publications related to positive parenting.
From 2006-2009, Sallquist volunteered as an art mentor, teaching preschoolers art, with Free Arts of Arizona. From 2010-2014, she was appointed by the state of Arizona to serve as a council representative on the Southeast Maricopa Regional Partnership Council of First Things First. First Things First is a non-profit agency aimed at making sure every child in Arizona is ready for kindergarten. From 2012-2013, she was the Director of the preschool at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Tempe, Arizona where she guided the school through the process of state licensure. In 2015, she became an adjunct professor at Martin Luther College teaching professional development, post-graduate, and graduate courses in child development and serving on capstone research projects. She also participated in a committee led by Martin Luther College to develop Standards for WELS Early Childhood Directors.
Julie has been a member of Emmanuel Lutheran Church since 2008. She and her husband have three children (ages 14, 12, and 10). In the spring of 2016, she co-founded a support group for mothers of young children at her church. She enjoys substitute teaching for pre-K through 12 and volunteering at her children’s schools and gardening. She has over 20 years of experience working with children and is passionate about promoting children’s positive development.
Sunday, June 22
3:15 – 5:15 pm
Bridging the Gap: Outreach and Invitation Strategies for WELS Early Childhood Ministries
Over 11,000 children of whom 32% have indicated no church affiliation walk through the doors of a WELS early childhood ministry each week. What an amazing mission field! They’re here, but now what? How we build relationships that lead to invitations to hear the gospel in our churches? Donn and Cindi are eager to share common obstacles, solutions, and strategies they’ve heard and an intentional process to create a culture of outreach and invitation within your ministry. Key takeaways include creating a better connection between church and early childhood ministry, involvement of key members, and an intentional plan. Most importantly, it includes… you!
Cindi Holman currently serves as the WELS National Coordinator for Early Childhood Ministries. She holds a master’s degree in early childhood ministry. As part of her role, she helps coordinate seminars for congregations with early childhood ministries and schools to develop a harvest strategy to build relationships with families and then connect those families to the gospel. Holman is passionate about the opportunities our early childhood ministries and schools have to share the gospel with families and is excited to share some of the strategies they’ve learned in meeting with congregations throughout WELS.
Rev. Donn Dobberstein brings a wealth of experience and passion for mission work and discipleship to his ministry. He previously served mission churches in Topeka, Kansas, and Port Orange, Florida. While at Our Savior’s in Port Orange, Dobberstein spearheaded the launch of an early childhood ministry that started in a double-wide trailer and, by God’s grace, expanded to eight classrooms serving over 150 children under age five. The focus on using the preschool as an outreach arm in a predominantly unchurched community led to dozens of preschool families joining the church. Donn currently serves as the Director of WELS Discipleship. In this role, he oversees synod ministry initiatives, including the WELS Youth Rally, women’s ministry, youth and family ministry, adult discipleship, and the development of marriage and stewardship resources.